1) The owner of the goods must submit the specifications of the goods along with all the documents related to the goods to the evaluation office of Ecokara site.
The documents include:
Proof of ownership of the goods, documents related to the goods such as green leaves and standards, photos of the goods, location of the goods, details of the goods and complete specifications of the goods, determining the sale floor price and immediate purchase price, announcing the time and day of the auction, filling Auction form and signing the terms of sale of goods in the auction unit.
2) Evaluation and verification by Ecokara site. Auction time reservation announcement. Announcement of entrance fee to the auction hall.
3) Pay the entrance fee to the auction hall and receive the entrance code to the hall
4) Enter the auction panel by the seller and fill out and download the full auction form to present in the auction hall.
5) Review and expertise of the auction panel by Ecokara experts
6) Panel locking
7) Provide auction information to other users and advertise goods and auction time according to the category and type of goods.
8) Start the auction at the appointed time and control the auction by the robot
9) End the auction and announce the winning buyer to the seller
10) Coordination of sending goods
11) Confirmation of receipt of the goods by the buyer and confirmation of the authenticity of the goods
12) Payment of goods to the seller after deducting the auction commission.