Bronze membership

You can enjoy some of the services of Ecokara site for free, for this you need to choose a bronze membership of the site when registering.

In principle, members of the Bronze Plan can benefit from the basic services of the site, this membership plan allows you to become a member of the Ecokara site at the lowest cost to get acquainted with all the features of the site and then according to your needs and upgrade Do not choose the best membership package that suits your business.

Basically, the bronze package is the basic package for new users, which has a validity of 3 months, and after this period, users must choose one of the gold-silver or VIP packages.

List of bronze membership services

Send inquiry (by number per month)

Receive inquiries (by number per month)

Buy from the site auction hall

Send and receive inventory inquiries (based on number per month)

Doing transactions on the site portal

Vendor accreditation and qualification

Buyer authentication and authentication

Providing commercial services

Registration of inquiry forms and invoices

Marketing consulting

Access the site forum

Receive general market economy news

to receive services and membership you only need to

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